i hate coloring

Aug 24, 2011 18:00

CONFESSION: i have always envied people who can color stuff on a computer.

I just get so overloaded with the white, and add the fact that a mouse makes for a shitty substitute for a hand and you have an Eso that starts hissing and spitting at the computer before screaming obscenities at the machine and stomping off to cool down.

So the challenge this week at sailormoonland's arcade was to color the picture until there was ZERO WHITE. ZERO. NADA.  And there isn't, not even in the finished version (number 3), it's just light blue. You can tell when you put it on a white background :x

But then I kept going because then a little voice that ruins everything for me kept going HER SKIN IS TOO YELLOW, FIX IT until I was nearly going crazy trying to redo her skin without fudging it all up. By this point I looked at the clock and realized I was spending over two and a half hours on this thing.

1)                                                     2)                                                    3)


until finally i went, you know what? SCREW IT, I'm only going to get x points so STOP OBSESSING GIRL. In the end I submitted #2 because I don't feel like rehashing to the mods that the "white" in number 3 actually isn't white. Also the "shadows" which are a dark blue don't look so out of place.

I really like I made the decision to make her neck shades darker. Except I'm not sure if the shadows under her skirt help or if it just makes it look like the fuku skirt is coming AT YOU while her legs are all flat. :x


lj life: sailormoonland

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