ff|☾: 01 | complete

Dec 12, 2011 21:01

5 Headcanon Meme for sailormoonland

1. Usagi could not understand Mamoru and Rei's relationship, because the implication that Mamoru got along with Rei better than she did hurt too much

2. Usagi always had trouble in school, but only in recent years had it become due to her laziness. As a child, Usagi hadn't been content to look at things - she had to touch. And then she had to see how far it could bend, how it moved, how it smelled or even tasted, and responded to her voice. Usagi went to a school where this nature became unacceptable quickly: teachers dreaded her energy, the number of things that broke, the directions she didn't follow because she was curious, and became angry and sharp. Eventually, Usagi expected teachers not to like her, so she stopped asking questions. She avoided homework by taking as long as possible to get home, hanging with friends, passing notes, and watching tv. Usagi never internalized this, so it didn't depress her, but to shy from school became routine by the series premiere. Why try to have interest if you're going to fail?

3. When she was seven, Shingo locked her out. She doesn't remember what the fight was about, but she went outside to play with her dolls. Shingo was only five, and neither knew there was a storm coming. When it started raining, she pounded on the door. A peal of thunder boomed, so loud the ground around her small body trembled and rang in her ears. Ikuko woke up from her nap, horrified to find her clinging to the tree in the yard. She and Usagi held each other, trying to warm her with her body in the rain until Shingo's crying broke the spell. Since then Usagi felt vulnerable during storms.

4. When she came back from the 31st century, she secluded herself to a long cry, because she saw one day "Usagi" wouldn't be appropriate. She doesnt understand why: she likes this life, she likes her last name and being Ikuko and Kenji's daughter. She feels selfish for thinking this with Chibiusa out there and Dark Moon attacking, so she wipes her tears and goes on, but that hurt from not understanding why she has to keep cutting off parts of herself, because 'Usagi' is not enough, never goes away.

5. Usagi was very close to her maternal grandmother. She was strict, but just, one of the few to not lose patience with Usagi quickly. She put Usagi's long hair in odango like her own, a style no longer common. Though Usagi was teased immediately on her first day of school for such an "old person in a yukata" style, she didn't care because she loved her oba-chan. Unfortunately her grandmother also had nasopharyngeal carcinoma; the ensuing radiation therapy made her lose her long, beautiful hair. She died shortly after Shingo's birth. Usagi has worn the odango style ever since in memory. Since it's common for elderly parents to live with the family, Usagi's room used her be her grandmother's, as her old one was closer to her parents' bedroom and ideal for Shingo's crib. 

this post needs a crying gif, lj life: sailormoonland, yay women, (anim) sailor moon, + odango atama!, fic doing!, weird ideas never made into actual fic

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