Apr 30, 2006 23:54
And I decide, at a time that I probably shouldn't be, to update my Live Journal for the first time since last summer. In case there are some random people that are stalking me or reading my journal just for the heck of it, this won't qualify for an update on Adam's life since last summer. That will come later. This is about the now, which includes the following...
Graduating from MSU on Friday.
Truth be told (in an honest, though perhaps futile, attempt at avoiding sounding like a whiny baby), this graduation thing that is supposed to be all fun and exciting is more like stressful and (especially) depressing. Likelihood of my lifestyle this summer...Live at home with the fam, do the 9-5 thing, come home for dinner, maybe do something low-key with friends at night or on weekends.
For the live at home thing, that in and of itself isn't a huge deal. Per previous entries, my parents are cool with me living at home for a couple years after I graduate (and I think they want me to). And truth be told, immature as I am, I am not mentally ready to leave the Detroit area yet. I'm just not prepared for it. Now you could say, well then stay in the Detroit area and you could get your own place. But given that my parents are willinging to charge me cheap cheap rent, I can save tons of money, and it would be stupid to just get my own place for the heck of it right now. The only way that would make sense is if I find a job outside of Detroit.
As far as the 9-5 thing, I have no quips about that in and of itself. The only issues...Most writing jobs are in big cities (NY, Chicago), and see what I said about leaving the Detroit area. I don't have one lined up yet, and have limited time to look until my finals are done and I'm all gradumatated. Okay, I could be looking right now. But my mind is in the state to write this crap. And it's midnightish. And I would need far more time to find a good job posting and write a meaningful cover letter than I would to write this.
Most who know me know that I'm nervous about graduating and finding a job. Case in point...
On Easter, after I get back from church, I'm channel surfing, and on the History channel, a special comes on about Jesus. Well it looked cool, and c'mon, Jesus is my Boy, so I watch it. And it was a pretty neat two-hour documentary, which included a scientific analyses of some of the claims in the Bible. But anyways, to tie this back to the graduation thing, my mom makes a comment after, something to the extent of, "Oh, I know you're turning to your spiritual side because you're nervous about finding a job." Now this was just a misreading of my mindset and personality, nothing I get angry at or take offense to. BUT...I was watching the show because it looked interesting and I wanted to watch it. Not because I'm nervous about finding a job (which I am, of course). I don't turn to my spiritual side just when I want something. I turn to it all the time because I want it to guide how I live my life and treat people. People who only pray when they want something irritate me. I will not judge them (see Matthew 7:1), but that's not what faith is about. But again, to tie this back to graduating, this connection my mom made was automatic. I'm neverous; I'm watching a show about Jesus. They must be directly related. Not so, but that just shows how nervous I am (or at least how nervous I am appearing to people).
As far as the "me-time" activities, I'm actually hoping to do some volunteer work this summer. I know, "hoping" is stupid, I should just do it. But everyone needs "me-time," so as far as relaxing, my atmosphere is likely to be totally different. Everything has its pros and cons, but I've been used to being on my own at school (though not on my own dime, yes, I'm a spoiled middle class kid). I've been surrounded by people my own age all the time, and it's been easy to find the appropriate fun activity, whether that means relaxing and watching the game, sitting in solitude on my computer, or hanging out with friends to watch a movie, occasional party, go to the bar, etc.
I have friends at home, which I do miss and it will be cool to be able to spend more time with them, but I will miss the demographically friendly atmosphere up here. At home, where my parents have now moved into a middle-aged bedroom community (don't get me started on my urban planning curriculum), it's quiet, which is nice, but its hard to find activity, and there are not a whole lot of people my own age. Which will be very different. So yeah, if you're one of my friends from home who I haven't seen in a while, and I'm bugging you a ton over the summer to hang out or go somewhere, and you get tired of it, just tell me. It'll probably just be a reflex on my part. But this is the depressing part. Not necessarily that I haven't enjoyed these four years here, because I have in many ways, but just that that's all going to change now. I don't want to whine about it, but I'd be being dishonest if I wrote a Live Journal entry without at least addressing that its what's going through my mind right now.
As far as the stress part, the job thing is where a good portion of it comes from, but I actually have a LOT of work to do before I walk on Friday. I know, again, why am I posting here? Because I need a break from it. So here I am. Maybe I'll go more into detail on this later, but between classes and some curriculum-related community service work (that I've committed to doing, so even though I don't need it to graduate, my conscience will feel slighted if I don't complete it), this will be a stressful week. And then it's all done on Friday.
After talking with Dave earlier, I'm contemplating staying up here an extra week after graduation, just until I do find something. And I can job search up here. That's all pending on if I get a job offer from a prior interview a few weeks ago (which, given that time frame, means I probably won't be getting it). But if I do, they need me to start the Monday after I graduate. So I guess I need to wait to hear something about that first. If not, and I don't have one lined up, or I get one lined up where I can start later, I may, yet again, do the bratty thing and stay up here for a while. But we'll see.
In other news, I'm pissed off at Kobe's shot(s) today. I'll give him all the kudos in the world because the guy is an amazing ballplayer, but for those who saw the play, yeah, I was pissed that Nash didn't get the time out or the foul call either, BUT, he did get away with a push off before that. So that was my initial anger until I realized that, but my distaste of the Lakers always leads me to anger and dissapointment any time they pull off games like this and I see the Staples sissies jumping up and down as if they didn't already own the world, and now they've captured Mars, too. Eh, there's my rant.
And how in the world is Sacramento beating San Antonio by 22 with 5:34 left in the game as I type this?! If the Pistons lose now tomorrow, you're telling me that the Pistons, Spurs, and Heat will all be deadlocked at 2 games apiece in their FIRST ROUND series? Man, I don't want to see the Pistons there, but this may be a more exciting and unpredictable playoffs than most people have given it credit for.
And just in case the Wings lose tomorrow, Stevie, I don't care if you're hurt, please at least let Babcock play you a shift so we can see you out instead of having you scratched. I know this may be selfish of me as a fan, but I think you owe it to yourself to have a more fitting goodbye to the league than being listed as a scratch when your team's eliminated. That is not emblematic of Steve Yzerman's career. It would be wrong. Please play. Okay, you won't read this, but I hope you will.
G'night all.