Okay, the moment you've all been waiting for- the orange dining room:
Please excuse the mess- we decided to not even bother putting the microwave back under the counter, and just get a new oven and microwave instead. Which should be delivered tomorrow. I need to remove the old one tonight. Some home-built cabinets and an open back bookshelf will be going up against that orange wall, since, as the mess indicates, we need more space to keep our stuff.
A warning to you all: if you decide to repaint a wall in your kitchen, understand that it will directly lead to redoing the entire kitchen. At some point in the near future, I've got to measure my cabinets and pick up more paint (black/brown this time), plus all new cabinet hinges and knobs. On the bright side, it may give us an opportunity to clean out the cupboards and maybe toss all the stuff that it turns out we never use.