Jul 19, 2015 18:18
I am just back from the cinema and Ant Man It's by no means seminal Marvel but it's a fun film and I enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to seeing Paul Rudd in other Marvel films and hope Michael Pena pops up again too. It was worth the ticket price for the end of credits scene, especially as the past couple of Marvel end credits scenes have sucked.
Just to prove I'm not just spouting the words of someone who's drank the Marvel kool-aid I'm about half way through Daredevil and am finding it tedious going. It's clearly aiming for neo-noir style but I just find it, and most of the actors, bland. The only characeter I find more interesting than watching paint dry is Fisk, the rest could spontatneously combust and I'd yawn and continue flicking through my twitter feed, including Murdoch himself. I'll finish the season eventually but I'm in no rush to and dont think I'll bother with the next season.
The only other thing I can think of that I have been up to is a trip to NT:Live to see Everyman. It's the first time at a screening of live theatre that I've thought it would be much more effective to actually be there in the room. The early scenes in particular are very club based and it's just not the same on screen to actually have the music pounding around you. It was still enjoyable but perhaps indictating the limits of these screenings versus live theatre.