Culture Vulturing

Oct 12, 2014 17:27

There is currently an event on across Scotland called Generation which is showcasing Scottish contemporary art of the past 25 years. A month or so ago while home for the weekend I popped into the exhibition at Glasgow's Modern Art Gallery where there were lots of interesting things to see. Today I was at the National Gallery to see what they had on show. I was more than a tad disappointed. A couple of the pieces where worth looking at but the whole thing was so badly curated I soon gave up in frustration and just left.

I have also recently been disappointed by Holyrood Palace's latest exhibit Poetry for the Palace which is looking at the role of the Poet Laureate. To be fair to the team at Holyrood I think the weakness is no fault of theirs. The problem is the quality of the poetry. Even when the poet is not half bad the stuff their churning out for royal occasions is absolute drivel. The exhibit has one redeeming feature however. You can hear a recording of Tennyson reading a passage from The Charge of the Light Brigade which is both cool and creepy in equal amounts.

Something I have enjoyed recently in the Jim Jarmusch season that the BFI has put on and has been picked up by various independent cinemas. I'd never seen his stuff from the 80's and have now seen the thoroughly enjoyable Stranger Than Paradise and Down by Law. I'm trying to remember if I've ever seen Dead Man or not. I seem to have this very vivid image of Johnny Depp sitting in a rowing boat dressed as a Native American and it all being in black and white. I can't remember though if this is from some other film or something I've just imagined. As you do.


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