Wales 2010

May 14, 2010 08:55

We left London on the Saturday and made our way to Bath to meet atthe_algonquin. After a bit of illegal parking, which we are in no way encouraging, we picked her up and made our way to lunch in a very nice little Italian restaurant. In order to aid digestion we then made our way to the Pump Rooms to take the waters, which were horrible and therefore must be good for you.

The Waters at Bath

Princess_S protested she didnt want to go down Gay street. No one believed her.

On Sunday we had a day in Cardiff which was viewed by boat and bus. We learned many fascinating facts such as Wales doesn't have any zoos (a lie told to us by a man selling pewter jewelery, we later found leaflets!) and, rather shockingly, Wales didn't get their capital back till 1950. We also visited the Norwegian Church which is now an arts and crafts centre tempting you with lovely but useless things to buy.

On Monday we headed West to Bala and marked our journey based on when the election signs changed, we knew we were in the wilds of the North West when the Plaid Cymuru signs appeared. Our cottage was lovely and the lady who runs them was an absolute delight, couldn't do enough for us, she even ran me into town and picked me up again one day.

Our Cottage

Tuesday was our first proper first day in the North West so we headed to Caernarfon where we visited the castle and first discovered our favorite new historical figure Llywellyn ap Gruffud and his ex boyfriend mortal enemy Edward I.

Caernarfon Castle

While the others finished going around the castle I went for a walk in the town, and stumbled onto the set of S4C drama something or other. Luckily the cameras weren't rolling so they were amused instead of pissed off.

On Wednesday people were feeling fragile after Tuesday night but I headed to Barmouth; a seaside town. Sadly I must report the donkeys had been hidden from me. I did go for a lovely walk along the beach though and then treated myself to a slap up crab cake lunch.

The beach at Barmouth

Thursday was our last full day and so we headed to Portmeirion where they filmed The Prisoner in the sixties and is basically Disney on crack. We headed back fairly early for a quick whirl on the Bala Steam Train and then headed back to the cottage. As it was my 29th 26th birthday Mother had sent a bottle of champagne for us, I may have been drunk when we left the house for dinner. Dinner was lovely though and I want to thank princess_s and lonleybrit once more for it.


On Friday we said goodbye to Bala and headed home. We couldn't leave though without paying our respects to our new friend Llywellyn.

Memorial to Llywlleyn the Last True Prince of Wales

It was a fabulous holiday and Wales and the people who live there are also fabulous. I think all three of us highly recommend it!


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