Holy shit I missed half a year!

Jun 01, 2016 05:14

Originally published at Esmerel's blabber space. You can comment here or there.

And now it's june. Well, tomorrow anyway.

I've stayed pretty steady on the weight.

I've failed to get back to the dojo.

I've signed the kids up for Ice skating lessons.

I went to a glass blowing class!

This past weekend we went to Kublacon. We took R with us for the whole weekend this time. He did pretty well!

We played Epic roll. The kids both beat the boss, and got t-shirts. This is a pretty simple dice-based game with a small board, and an RPG sort of flavor that takes ~20 minutes to play. Bought it, because the kids both enjoyed the hell out of it. The guys at the booth were AWESOME. If you happen to go to a con where they're at, stop by the booth and give the game a try. Even if the game isn't your style, they were awesome with the kids and I want to support people who do that.

Bought No Thank You, Evil! which I didn't realize was a kid-oriented RPG, but it's cute and we played an adventure and C loved it.

GemPacked cards - point-taking, building game. Cute and pretty straightforward. The kids liked this one too!

The Siblings Trouble - Given that I've already liked two of PencilFirst's other games, I'm sure we'll like this one too, we just haven't had a chance to try it yet.

The Kublacon staff was, as always, fucking fantastic to us. I can not say enough good things about the Young Players' room and the staff and their handling of kids.

The Hyatt kind of left a bit to be desired, but maybe next year once the remodels are done it'll be back up to snuff.


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