Sep 10, 2011 15:56
Well, I am just so bored today. I realize that I need to do stuff for mom and did! Now, I am just stuck here looking for things to do.
I had a great time yesterday going into the city and chillin' with my bros. I love we did nothing but just hang out in Bryant Park and Kino's. XD
I think I need to start on Ukraine's pants! I need to make this shit, dammit! Will attempt to at least get a good home made pattern today. I also need to hem the SwissMiss outfit. lol I was supposed to do these things AGES AGO! OTL
Oh, did I mention that I decided to do Rose from Homestuck for NYCCpsAF? Yup, I am! ^_^ (on Sunday too) I might just make it myself after all. Any tips for me, please offer! I will be SwissMiss on Saturday. I am hoping that Megan comes to this convention so she can be my Lichtenstein ;A;. I am not going at all on Friday since I have to work.
Tentative cosplays for 2012 as follows:
Katsucon- Ukraine, Tomcat, Sister Sweden
SpringFest - Rose
Anime Boston - Fluttershy, N. Italy (military outfit), Gumi
CPAC - Fluttershy, Poland or Ukraine for the MUN panel (if accepted)
Anime Next - Poker!Switzerland (i'll do this even if Megan denies me lol), Rosetta (Tinkerbell), Tickled Pink (Rainbow Brite), Poland or N. Italy for MUN panel (if accepted)
Otakon (if going) - Tickled Pink, N.Italy, Rosetta
These plans are subjected to change but I most likely will stick to them.