On my October vacation, I did some building and decorating in my rebuilding 'hood. (And sometimes did the same thing over again, as I had to restore from backup once on account of being stupid.) I took pictures for three no-frills house tours, which currently represent my entire buffer. I finished playing the rotation I was less than one game-day from finishing at the beginning of the month, but did no writing or further playing. On Halloween, I finally decided that I was far enough along to take my "rebuilding" 'hood and make it into my "playing" 'hood, although I have yet to recreate any of my Sims, give them their personalities and skills back, or play.
I did upload a bunch of Sims (and spammed the heck out of my f-list with them) and wrote quite a few Myshuno! entries. I usually have hit blackout by this point, but not this year. I'll make it before New Year's, though, for sure.
In non-Sims, I worked out that I will be cutting down dramatically on my tabletop RPG, if not leaving completely, and I made some very nice progress in aikido. I almost remember the names of some of the moves now! :) I had two dates, but since they were both Dutch treat and the fellow seemed rather taken aback by the idea that dates should not be Dutch treat, I doubt there will be a third date (and if there is, there will not be a fourth). The busy season at work has started too. (sigh)
I know this seems a bit complain-y, but it's not meant to be. I don't feel overwhelmed about playing or writing anymore, which was the point. There won't be a chapter this week, though.