Where my cc comes from and what I’ve got, organized by where you probably saw it. For something specific to a given story, the cc is organized more or less in chronological order. Ubiquitous stuff is organized the way it is in my Downloads folder. Nothing will make it onto the "ubiquitous" list until it's been in my game long enough for me to be sure that it doesn't cause any problems.
GOS = Garden Of Shadows
MTS = Mod The Sims
MATY = More Awesome Than You
* = This item was placed in-game for a specific picture(s) and was removed after the shot was obtained
Most things made by me are not available for download because I 'm not focused on that. But if you really want something, let me know -- I’d be happy to give uploading it a shot for you.
Ubiquitous stuff
Clothes Many, many items from some very talented creators. To make life easier all around, I'll provide a link to the creator's page, and tell you generally what they do that I've snagged.
migamoo-Age conversions, separations, and original creations
-Adults, Teens
-Male and female
cloudlessnights-Age conversions, mesh modification
-Adults, Teens
-Male and female
dustfinger-Age conversions, recolors, and original creations
-Elders, Adults, Teens
-Male and female
Mikexx2-Age conversions, recolors, mesh modification
-Elders, Adults, Teens
-Male and female
Cocomama-Age conversions, mesh modification, and original creations
-Elders, Teens, Toddlers
-Male and female
fanseelamb-Age conversions, mesh modifications, and original creations
-Adults, Elders
CatOfEvilGenius-Default replacements and original creations
-Male and female
Serena_Moonstone-Original creations
-Magic themed
-Toddler, Child, Teen, Young Adult, Adult, Elder
-Male and female
Sentate-Original creations
HystericalParoxysm-Original creations, age conversions, and mesh modifications
Glasses/Head Accessories Hair Jewelry Makeup Build Mode Buy
Decor Furniture Hobbies Multiple categories/other (ask me if you're not sure) Enhancements Fixes Poseboxes and Special Effects Contest-specific stuff
Boolprop Build-A-House Challenge 2011 Story-specific stuff
Note: Any story not in this list did not feature any custom content downloaded/created specifically for the story.
Already in Progress
Robi’s very special stargazing outfit by esmeiolanthe
Matthias and Shonda’s custom skintone by esmeiolanthe (rendered obsolete by esmeiolanthe’s improved image manipulation skills)
Sally’s, Trixie’s, and Dmitri’s eyes by esmeiolanthe (rendered obsolete by a portion of the Director’s Cut; may still be transmitted genetically but will not be replaced in the event of a rebuild)
Goldberg & Silent Lady sequence(s) Ruth’s (un)Officially Wacky Boolprop Challenge Snap! Starring Lexi Rossi The Jack Point Home For Pedestrian Playables
The portraits of Jack Point all feature the Flamboyant Doublet and Hose by Aligeth, from
Cecil's CCL Movin' On Up!