The prompt for this story was “‘Mind your own business!’,” submitted by w_sims. This story fits into this chapter of Ruth’s (un)Officially Wacky Boolprop Challenge, or possibly the next. There are no spoilers.
Rating: G
Dramatis Personae
Deadeye Shankel, possessor of ten Nice points
Nank-Poo Shankel, his twin brother, possessor of zero Nice points
The twins’ room. Deadeye is writing something at his desk as Nanki-Poo enters.
NANKI-POO: Whatcha doin’?
DEADEYE: Nothing.
NANKI-POO: Are you writing something?
NANKI-POO: Yes you are. Can I see?
DEADEYE: No you can’t. Go away.
NANKI-POO: C’mon, I wanna see! (leans over)
DEADEYE: (covers the paper with his body) No! Mind your own business!
NANKI-POO: Come on! (tugs at Deadeye’s arm in an attempt to budge him) What is it? (as an idea strikes him) Is it a LOVE note? Do you have a CRUSH on someone?
DEADEYE (as red in the face as you can be when you are green to begin with): Go AWAY, I said! It’s none of your business! Stop being nosy!
NANKI-POO (delightedly): It IS a love note! (chants) DEADeye has a GIRLfriend, DEADeye has a GIRLfriend, D - !
(Nanki-Poo is cut off abruptly as Deadeye tackles him. The two of them roll around on the floor, the note on the desk completely forgotten.)