I'm not much of a party animal IRL, and my Sims aren't either, so this will likely stay a small section.
GOS = Garden Of Shadows
MTS = Mod The Sims
MATY = More Awesome Than You
Le Cinema Plumbob snack counter (cloned from a bar), a 3t2 conversion by Veranka/Verounique from their
LJRecolors of OFB counters and islands (island recolors also recolor the bar) by Michelle at
LeefishRecolors of base game juice bars by Michelle at
MTSCastaway Stories limbo pole and bongo drums, originally converted by J.M. Pescado at MATY, recolored to match Celebration Stuff items by Honeywell at
Leefish (all required files included)
Recolors of BV bars by Michelle at