These are the items that get filed in the Misc... Misc part of the catalog.
GOS = Garden Of Shadows
MTS = Mod The Sims
MATY = More Awesome Than You
Art Nouveau trash can from the EA Store, courtesy of the denizens of
MATY (The Box link is the only one that works)
Modern Asian trash can from the EA Store, courtesy of the denizens of
MATY (The Box link is the only one that works)
3t2 artist's studio jewelry rack by Crisps&Kerosen e at their
TumblrNewspaper rack for community lots by cmomoney & MogHughson at
MTSBase game trash can recolors by Michelle at
MTSRecolors of BV hotel concierge desk by Michelle at
LeefishInvisible recolor of the Execuputter career reward by pfish at