The prompt for this story was “The Great Escape” submitted by silverbelle1220. This story fits into Chapter 52 of Already in Progress.
Rating: PG, for elliptical discussion of woohoo
Dramatis Personae
Amy Littledragon, no-nonsense cop.
Bryan Littledragon, her Teen son.
Adam Littledragon, her husband.
The living room, where the family has just finished watching a movie. Amy was much affected by the film.
(Amy blows her nose noisily and mops her eyes. Bryan and Adam look at each other, eyebrows raised.)
AMY: What? Just because the two of you have hearts of stone and never get emotional at movies!
BRYAN: Do too! I cried at the end of Rocky.
ADAM: Or The Great Escape. I get so choked up at that movie. That part at the end, where the Nazi says “Your German is very good.”?
BRYAN: Only he says it in English. And they answer “Thank you” in English?
ADAM: And they take them all out to the field, and the whole time you’re thinking “Please no, please no, please no,” but it doesn’t help? (sniffles)
BRYAN: And Steve McQueen’s riding his motorcycle to Switzerland, and you’re cheering him on? Now he was some kind of man!
ADAM: Yup. (sighs) I sure wouldn’t kick him out of bed.
AMY: Steve McQueen? You’d seriously sleep with Steve McQueen?
ADAM (matter-of-factly): Well, yeah, if he took enough notice of me to hit on me, which isn’t very likely.
BRYAN (regretfully): And if he hasn’t been dead for almost forty years.
ADAM: Yeah, that too.
(Adam and Bryan both sigh and look over to find Amy staring at them in fascinated consternation.)
ADAM (apologetically): It’s kind of a guy thing.
I don’t actually know if men really feel that way about Steve McQueen. But I did read one humor columnist talking about The Great Escape not long before starting on this prompt, and that individual male humor writer did, so I incorporated that.
“TMI” is slang for Too Much Information, and it’s used when someone tells you something that you’d really rather not know. (Often this is something to do with their potty or woohoo habits/preferences.)