Jun 30, 2006 17:54
No words can describe the joy of being home on a Friday evening! I was so ready to get out of that place when 5pm came around. There were workmen outside our building all day working on the extension and the racket is unbelievable. It sounded like the seven dwarves were out there digging for gold…the temptation to open the window and shout “Hi - hoooooooooooooooooo” was great on several occasions. And that was another problem - with so much noise we weren’t able to have the windows open and therefore by the time I left for the day I felt like I’d been roasted on a spit.
But I’m glad to say I feel much, much better today. I felt really weird yesterday and it got worse as the day went on. It felt like something had sucked all my energy out. It was a real effort to walk and I felt exhausted and weepy and achy. Then later, in the evening, I started feeling *really* odd. My vision kept going all blurry, I had funny pins and needle type sensations in my head and I had wicked palpitations. I ended up quite scared and was even trying to think of a way to say goodbye to Rachel, who I was chatting to at the time, without alarming her cus I thought I was about to have a stroke or a heart attack or something and drop dead. Then just as I was going to bed I got really sick and only just made it to the bathroom in time. But today I feel loads better. I noticed when I was going to work that I’m back to my usual rather fast walking pace and I have plenty of energy and feel really well with none of yesterdays strange symptoms. Must have been some weirdo bug. That or the fact that I get far too little sleep and have been skipping quite a few meals recently.
The weekend ahead looks good. I’m getting the day to myself on Saturday - I was determined - as I have some writing that I need (and want!) to get done and I also just want some chilling time. And then there is the England-Portugal quarter finals match at 4pm which I shall watch whilst biting my nails and on the edge of my seat. And we will no doubt lose and be out of the World Cup, which is a good thing because screaming at referees and the opposing team is no good at all for my throat. Then in the evening I’m going to a firework and concert thing at Warwick Castle with James, and possibly his brother Simon too if he gets back from Bristol in time. I’ve not seen Si since he went to uni so I’m really hoping he makes it back. And the best part of it is that James’ parents are going too (although we’re separating as soon as we get there, I don’t want James to blow a gasket) so we’re going in their car which means that we can both drink - whoot! They had wicked Pimm’s at the last one of these I went to and hopefully they will again this time. Hmmm…I remember now that I ended up wearing half the vegetation out of mine last time…better not wear anything light coloured.
Sunday I’m meeting Alex and Paul for lunch at the Drum & Monkey, then Paul’s going off paintballing with some friends and Alex and I are going to Hatton Country World where I’m hoping to acquire a new gargoyle or two. And to successfully kidnap a goat, haha. I was going to say ‘goatnap’ but I guess in this instance it really would be ‘kidnap’, lol. Also not kidnap…that suggests a temporary sort of thing and I have no intention of letting a goat out of my clutches if I ever manage to nick one. *grin*
Hope everyone’s days pass quickly at work and that you all have a great weekend!!!! *hugs*