Jun 24, 2005 17:41
ThE bAsIcS 101
Name:: cara
Age:: 13
Birthday:: september 16
License:: what?
3 Different forms of identification:: what?
Do these first questions always bore you as much as
they do me?: hell3sz y34h bii0tch
Shall we do more anyway?:: whatever
With whom do you live:: mom dad erin casey alexx conor
Do you like them?: not really...
Any pets?: yes
Kids?: do /i/ have kids? no...
Boyfriend:: sadly the answer is no
Girlfriend:: hell no
Do you like them?:whooooo?
Oh yeah, where do you live:: in the "geckos" lmao
Where were you born:: in edison
Tell me something interesting and unique about
yourself:: hmmm lets see...i've been heartbroken for SEVEN MONTHS and i've never cut myself. yet i have a loser friend who wasn't invited to ONE PLACE and che "cuts herself" but doesnt draw blood.
Movie:: THe Breakfast Club
Song of the moment:: Breakdown
Band/singer of the moment:: breaking benjamin
Food::yes i do like food
COLOR:: neon green
Person:: uhhh....melanie?
Actress/Actor:: none
TV Show:: house
Means of communication:: cell phone
Thing to do on a Saturday night:: be out until like, 3 in the morning!!!!!!!
Thing to do when you're bored:: internet
DeScRiBe To Me
Your favorite shirt:: uhhh...neon green with holes in it : )
Your favorite memory:: danceing with marco at the dinner dance
Your worst memory:: all of the things marco has done to me
Your worst enemy:: roxroy
Your best friend:: CAMN
Your thoughts right now::bored as hell
Do YoU
smoke:: no
Drink:: no
Believe in God:: yes
Sleep on your stomach or back or side:: i switch like a thousand times before i actually fall asleep
Love me:: who are you? oh hey this reminds me of that guy on All That that introduces the people and stuff...yeah...lol
Even know who i am:: the all that guy? lol.
HaTe It WhEn PeOpLe TyPe LiKe ThIs (i know i do):: n0 0f c0URs3 n07!!!!!
Whut about wen they tipe lyke thys:: yes that pisses me off so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sleep in the nude:: no, but you know you want me to.
HaVe YoU eVeR
Smoked:: no
Done drugs:: no
Gotten drunk:: no
Jaywalked:: yes
Skinny dipped::no
Bungee jumped:: no
Been to London::no
What about Hawaii:: no
Canada?:: no
California?:: no
New York::yes
Played pool?:: yeah
Been in a pool?:: yeah
Flipped off a cop...and been seen:: yes for the first part and no for the second part
Gotten a speeding ticket:: no
A parking ticket::no
A plane ticket::no
Been on a plane:: no
Been out of the country::no
Had a resturaunt sing to you for your birthday:: no
Lied about it being your birthday to have them sing to
you?:: lol no but now i think i should
Been bitten by a dog::no
ArE yOu
Getting tired of this quiz:: yes
A magic lepricon from the land of OZ:: no
Noticing that i spelled lepricon wrong:: yes
Both times:: yes
Going to wish me a happy birthday or what::no
Realizing i just lied about it being my birthday:: yes
Under 18?:yes
I thought of a ?.. did you.. ever mix up "diary" and
"diahria"? you spelled it wrong dumbshit...whoever you are lol
Back the the are yous...a virgin:: yes
By choice:: yes
Aware that i am::who freakin cares?
Thinking this is stupid::yes
Glad this is over:: yes, because whoever wrote this is self centered and asked questions about themselves about 75% of the time.