Title: Shore Leave
djinnfic for the
mccoy_chapel Exchange ‘09
esme_greenPairing: Kirk/Chapel/McCoy
Rating: Adult (sexual situations M/F, M/F/M, M/M (only a hint of the latter, sorry))
djinnfic asked for shoreleave, unintentional hookup on the part of these three (possibly two of them had it planned already), author's discretion if it's a one-time thing or if it's an arrangement that might endure. Want all partners to be desired and full players in this...Reboot fic rather than TOS fic.
Notes: I took the prompt to mean sex. Actually, I didn't think about it very much, the sex just happened and then I went back afterwards and wondered if I could be any more shallow. Oops.
"You don't know for certain she's going to leave," Jim protested mildly as he leaned back on his couch to take two glasses off the shelf.
"I know," McCoy grunted as he pulled the definitely-for-medicinal-purposes-only bottle out of his medical bag. "She never wanted to be here. Probably only assigned because Starfleet felt it necessary to staff your ship entirely with child geniuses."
"Well, it's me." Jim grinned unrepentantly. "If they were going to make me the youngest captain ever, they couldn't exactly give me a ship full of grizzled old men. Present company excepted."
"Just drink, damn it."
Jim's grin widened. "Though you're right, it probably is a Starfleet experiment. Hmm."
McCoy knocked back a shot and poured them both another. "I'm sorry, were we talking about me?"
"How was your day, dear?" Jim raised an eyebrow, watching McCoy over the rim of his glass as he drank.
"Well, I'm about to lose a damn good head nurse and my captain is mocking me."
"When she came on board," said Jim, "you said she was too serious. Too focused on her work. No sense of humour. Sound like anyone else I know?"
"She's competent, Jim. Sickbay runs like a well-oiled machine, and it's always 'Yes, Doctor,' and 'Right away, Doctor'..."
"Bones, you have a gift." Jim waggled his empty glass and McCoy obliged by pouring for them both again. "Even when you're complimenting, you sound like you're complaining."
"Don't tell me you wouldn't be upset if Rand decided to take a transfer."
Jim waved the insinuation away. "Rand is an extremely pretty yeoman, but you know it's not like that."
"I'm not sleeping with Chapel!"
"Clearly." Kirk held up a hand to forestall McCoy's next comment. "Fine. Is it the Korby thing? That was months ago."
McCoy shrugged, slumping back in his chair and putting his feet up on the table between them. "I don't know. Maybe."
"She's not pining," Jim said decisively. "I know women, and the second we got into that android lair and saw that hot 'research assistant' standing next to Korby, it was pretty clear any lingering feelings Chapel might have had died a quick death."
"And then she phasered him," McCoy added.
"That was another clue." Kirk drained his glass. "But she doesn't seem like she's wracked with guilt."
"Whatever it is, she's not happy."
"Her biochemistry degree? She never finished it, right?"
"How the hell did you remember that?"
"She's a beautiful woman, Bones. I remember everything about beautiful women."
"It's not that. Thanks to your little escapade with the alien flora of Dosuto 7, she's got enough raw data to finish three doctoral theses. Spock's advising her."
"Well," said Jim, stretching back on the couch and putting his feet up too. "It sounds like a mystery to me. But you're sure she's going to ask for a transfer?"
"She's unhappy, she's irritable, impatient--" McCoy shook his head and took another drink.
"Reminds me of no one at all," Jim said.
"I don't know why I even bother." McCoy poured for them both again. "Just drink, damn it." He glanced up. "And stop smirking."
Continued in
Part Two