Dec 02, 2012 13:20
Yeah, I've been gone a while, though it seems like hardly anyone on my f-list is active anymore. Anyway, just in case you don't remember, last year I read these Star Wars "journal books" where Luke and Leia told the story of the first SW movie from their perspectives. They were pretty good books, and I really wanted to read the Han one.
Well the other day, I did.
My thoughts?
Well first of all, the plausibility of this book was ridiculous. Instead of being a straight-up first-person narration like the other two books, this one was told in the form of a monk talking to Han in Jabba's dungeon and asking him to tell him about his life because the monk wanted an individual's perspective on the war . . . or something. Seriously? A monk interviewing Han while he has hibernation sickness? Really?
But anyway, there were some interesting bits, such as Han talking about dreams he had in the carbonite and Han overhearing a pair of stormtroopers chatting with each other (however, it contradicted with later canon with one of them saying he was looking forward to seeing his mother, but this was written before the prequels came out so I'll let it slide). The writing captured Han's sarcasm well, but there was something about the writing style that seemed . . . off.
Okay, I'm extremely picky about this, of course, but Han has a unique way of speaking. He speaks in a Han dialect, and since this is supposed to be Han talking instead of writing, it's vital to get the speech pattern right, and the book didn't really get it right. For one thing, he rarely used contractions, which made him sound too "formal." Also, not one "ain't" in the entire book? And what annoyed me most of all - he kept calling Chewie by his full name, alternating between Chewbacca and Chewie throughout the book. Han NEVER calls him Chewbacca even ONCE in the movies - it's ALWAYS Chewie. Han calling Chewie by his full name in the book felt like . . . I dunno, like their relationship was more professional than personal or something. Whatever, it REALLY irked me.
Oh, and the book mentioned Bria, which is an automatic negative point.
Still, it was a fun read, though.
Anyway, I think I love Han too much. Ever since Episode 7 got announced I've been freaking out about Han possibly dying. Yeah, people are dying all over the world and I'm worried about a fictional character dying. Technically, Han's never been alive, right? So why should I freak out about him dying?
Ugh, it was painful just to type that he was never alive, even though I know that's true (ouch, that hurt too). Thing is, for me he is real. Hell, for me the whole saga is real. Maybe that's why it's so hard for me to critique the movies - I accept them as things that happen instead of things that are created (but I can sure as hell critique the canon-raping books). Maybe some part of me even believes that somewhere in a galaxy far, far away they actually happened, that Han's really out there somewhere.
I'm insane.
star wars