I thought this posting by a friend of mine was quite intriguing. Everyone should check this 9/11 stuff out.
What would it mean if 9-11 was an inside job?
Before dismissing the idea as crazy take a look at the evidence.
This thermite footage speaks for itself. Compare the controlled thermite reaction to what is caught on amateur video on 9/11.
Please repost this. This is the most critical information because we all witnessed 9/11 go down. If it was an inside job the implications are sinister.
This issue needs to be brought to the forefront of public awareness.
It will take your paritcipation...
Repost Please
Thermite Reaction (WTC 9-11) (30 seconds)
Thermite Reaction (Controlled) (3 minutes)
Firefighters discussing the WTC collapse on 9-11 (30 seconds)
Larry Silverstein, leaser of all collapsed wtc buildings, says he chose to demolish wtc building ..7 (45 seconds)
Analysis of Sept 11 (20 min)
So I can't get the video clips to post here but if you to this link to MySpace and view vicky's Waking the dead...post you can see it. I thought it was done quite well especially the last one.