Aug 24, 2005 14:17
OK, so today I felt very chastised... I called Colette and found out that she had been in Provo for a whole week, and so have I. I thought she had been at home, but alas, I was wrong... totally missed the memo. So here I am updating stuff:)
So things went very well with Blake. He really is an awesome guy, but I felt like I needed to break up with him when I left... this may not be a permanent condition though. One of the most wonderful things about him is that he has never pressured me or questioned answers I have received. It's enough to tell him I prayed about it. He was really sad, but yeah. We had the "talk" about a week or two before I left, and he wanted to stay together until I left, and that was nice. He just is a very high quality guy. He called me earlier this week and said that he was planning on coming up for Thanksgiving (he has some family in the area... I think pleasant grove and lehi and stuff) and asked if he could see me then. I reaffirmed that we would still be not dating and stuff, and he was like, i know, I'd still like to see you though. So that will be nice. WE both know that now is not the right time to get married, for either of us, and if we were to stay together, we would be living an engaged persons relationship. When I told him I might go on a mission he is completely supportive of it and just wants me to do what I'm supposed to do. He's really great and it's hard to hear him and see him so sad. When I apologized, he told me I had nothing to be sorry for-- that I should do what I need to do.
So yeah. Now I am living with my sister in 535N 400E #9. I really like the apartment, and I hope the ward will be good. From what I've seen, I think it should be nice. Last night someone organized a game of ultimate frisbee and it was really fun even though I'm not very good.
I'm very excited to see everyone soon!! Travel safely if you're not already here! I love you all!!