Mar 13, 2005 15:54
Death Chat With Chuck
Millionairecrc [3:29 P.M.]: why?
Ab1210 [3:29 P.M.]: idk
Millionairecrc [3:30 P.M.]: how would dying be a good thing Alan?
Millionairecrc [3:30 P.M.]: your young
Millionairecrc [3:30 P.M.]: you have years to live
Ab1210 [3:30 P.M.]: it just is right now
Ab1210 [3:30 P.M.]: ive lived long enough
Millionairecrc [3:31 P.M.]: *sighs*
Millionairecrc [3:31 P.M.]: your an idiot
Ab1210 [3:31 P.M.]: no
Ab1210 [3:32 P.M.]: ive lost everything
Ab1210 [3:32 P.M.]: and im done living
Millionairecrc [3:32 P.M.]: What have you lost?
Millionairecrc [3:32 P.M.]: You have Sam Alan
Millionairecrc [3:32 P.M.]: hell you have everything i want minus the heart problem
Millionairecrc [3:33 P.M.]: how the fuck could you possibly lost everything
Millionairecrc [3:33 P.M.]: huh?
Ab1210 [3:34 P.M.]: ive lost my soul
Millionairecrc [3:34 P.M.]: Oh really, and how do you lose that?
Ab1210 [3:35 P.M.]: with thought
Ab1210 [3:35 P.M.]: and pain
Millionairecrc [3:35 P.M.]: What pain?
Millionairecrc [3:35 P.M.]: Alan your giving up on this, and i would think being a martial artist that you wouldn't give up
Ab1210 [3:36 P.M.]: i dont give a shit
Millionairecrc [3:36 P.M.]: Your a fool, and if Sam didn't care about you i wouldn't mind beating the shit out of you for acting as such
Millionairecrc [3:36 P.M.]: but she does
Millionairecrc [3:37 P.M.]: so that makes me care about you, as a human being
Millionairecrc [3:37 P.M.]: so instead of giving up and acting like your life is over
Millionairecrc [3:37 P.M.]: Straighten up, focus, and don't give up
Ab1210 [3:37 P.M.]: i gave up a long time ago
Ab1210 [3:37 P.M.]: nothing can change that
Millionairecrc [3:39 P.M.]: You know what? If you love Sam so much and you would give up and leave her life like that
Millionairecrc [3:39 P.M.]: then your a real asshole
Ab1210 [3:40 P.M.]: i am
Ab1210 [3:40 P.M.]: and ppl tell me that
Millionairecrc [3:42 P.M.]: You know what? fuck it, your not even worth my time, because obviously your a coward
Ab1210 [3:42 P.M.]: no im dead
Millionairecrc [3:43 P.M.]: not yet, your choosing to die
Ab1210 [3:44 P.M.]: i will
Millionairecrc [3:44 P.M.]: You will what?
Ab1210 [3:45 P.M.]: die
Millionairecrc [3:46 P.M.]: Only if you let yourself, because no one dies lest they choose to
Ab1210 [3:47 P.M.]: i am letting myself
Millionairecrc [3:47 P.M.]: Why?
Ab1210 [3:47 P.M.]: its the only thing left
Millionairecrc [3:50 P.M.]: *sighs*
Millionairecrc [3:51 P.M.]: Thats sad
Ab1210 [3:51 P.M.]: so
Millionairecrc [3:52 P.M.]: not only sad but its pathetic, dumb, and generally the cowards way out
Ab1210 [3:53 P.M.]: so im a coward
Millionairecrc [3:53 P.M.]: You know what though? You deserve to die, because if your that willing to leave all those who care about you behind so easily and without even caring