Title: Hang On For the Ride (Part Twelve of AllWeHave!Verse)
Author: pissedoffeskimo
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Wincest; soulless!Sam; manipulation
Disclaimer: All credits to Kripke & Co. for his marvelous creations.
Summary: Without that pesky soul, Sam’s got nothing standing in the way of satisfying his curiosity. Except maybe Dean, but he can handle Dean.
Hang On For the Ride Note: AllWeHave!Verse: “Dad's disappeared and young Dean is left with no money and no way to take care of his Sammy - so he does what he has to for the money they need. When Sam is taken by vampires, Dean finally asks for help. He and Sam end up living at the Roadhouse (and sharing a bed). But now Dean has secrets he doesn't want to share and, when Dad does show back up again, a lot of pent-up anger.” (summary courtesy of xcziel)