(no subject)

Dec 12, 2005 16:59

Year in Review Meme, taking the first line of the first post for every month.

January: Happy New Year!

I decided to test my alcohol limit at Jackie's party last night. It was quite amusing to discover that because I come from a Bohemian/Czechoslovakian gene pool I am unable to get drunk without TONS of alcohol. Plus, I cannot get a real hangover. Fantabulous! Unfortunately, this means that because I am so wild when I am sober, that when I am tipsy I just laugh more, and when I'm drunk I ponder Enlightenment.

February: Grand Theft Uno picture (Go look it up, it's quite amusing)

Today is kindof like that. You're playing a really boring game, but things seem to be in your favor. *Shoulder shrug*

Minion Wanted:

For a good price of one million yen per year, you will clean my room, make my food (you are required to make guacamole and vegetarian Indian dishes), pick out my clothes, learn Spanish for me and give it to me by osmosis, buy me CDs and DVDs, and wash my car.

Requirements: Must be male, extremely sexy, talented, and smart. He must be strong enough to lift me when I am too lazy to move myself. And he must find it within himself to laugh with me at romantic comedies. I don't want a dumbass. I hate being a Dictionary for people.

dej113 [12:24 PM]: got alot of stuff to do, and no initiative to do it
ReSiDeNtDeViL13 [12:24 PM]: haha Oh YES
ReSiDeNtDeViL13 [12:24 PM]: lol
ReSiDeNtDeViL13 [12:24 PM]: then i guess my day is rather the same
dej113 [12:25 PM]: lol gotta love the art of procrastination
ReSiDeNtDeViL13 [12:26 PM]: haha is it an art really?
ReSiDeNtDeViL13 [12:26 PM]: to make an exhibition of it would take a lonnnnng time
dej113 [12:28 PM]: haha

May: So, I drank a Sprite to finish my French paper (which I finished just now, at 2:05 AM) and now I'm bubbly and awake. I guess that part hasn't changed much...

June: Cleo (my car) decided to break down today. A problem with the computer, apparently. Thank you to everyone who decided to *NOT* get up in my face and be annoying as fuck.
I'm renaming my car Martha Stewart, because it's good for nothing.

July: I did this at the gym on the highest ramp on a pretty high resistance for 20 minutes today.

mle rs18 [10:47 PM]: does everyone know i started this ahha
ReSiDeNtDeViL13 [10:47 PM]: the wiggling thing?
mle rs18 [10:47 PM]: with the infamous "did HE wriggle or did IT"

Just thought I should put credit where credit is due. Em, take a bow.

September: So, guess who decides to show up and take over my room at midnight last night? Yes, it is the one and only superhero idealist obsessor Justin.


Poll of the Night - brought on by this message from Amanda:

Amanda: last night I went into this club in Hollywood where there was lots of drinking (none by me..but by my victims) and I danced dirty with like 5 guys..two at once...I felt so.....out of my element, but comfortable at the same time..I felt soo you

Ask a guy...
straub: well...i never heard the wild child rumor
straub: nor did i ever hear discussions of your satin pillows
RumPirate69124: LMAO
straub: but that wouldnt surprise me in the least bit

rainydaypoetess: he's sincere though, in liking me.
RumPirate69124: you don't need this!
RumPirate69124: if he's being a sincere ASSHOLE it doesn't matter that it's sincere

December: Cinderella excerpt: "Did somebody say pickles?" ~ Katay
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