Aug 24, 2013 14:27
It's been one week since I decided to switch to a vegan diet.
Everyone's favorite question is, "What made you decide to make this change?" I like to think that it was a purely health based decision, but it's really much more about weight loss. When I was staying with my mom in Colorado, and eating no soy or dairy, I lost about seven pounds. When I got back and realized how much weight I had lost, I decided that it was a good time to redouble my efforts, so I dropped soda and *most* fast food. Then I read this article. Right at the end it says "Give it a whirl, even for a week." I guess the idea that I could experience veganism without making a permanent change was appealing to me. But now, one week in to my one month experiment, I'm very seriously considering making the change permanent.
I'm petsitting for a friend right now, and she has netflix, so I've been taking advantage of that while I'm here to watch some vegan documentaries. Namely, Forks over Knives, and Vegucated. Both focus on the health benefits of a vegan diet. At this point, it seems silly to even consider going back to an omnivorous diet.
I do miss McDonald's at the moment, but I'm sure I'll get over that.