the beach today was great and contrary to popular belief it was more of
a beach and i would never have guessed it was a quarry.katie had a
great idea andpeople need to trust her a lil more if you ask me. were
goin again soon if it stays hot. everyone is welcome.
speaking of welcome, everyone is also welcome to woodys barb que this
tuesday starting at 4 in the afternoon. it is again at klode park/beach
(lake drive &belle ave) and bring... ahem ... " everyone and thur
babys mama." so there it is. arts ppl, shorewood, and everywhere in
between can come and you dont have to know woody to come dont worry
bout that.
well, maybe you can tell but im feeling fantastically better and the
wisdom teeth pain is now gone. i am almost back to normal ::SMILE::
but just for kicks,
so there. and for your info, this is my new dog: