...sickness. arrggggghuah...(plops down on floor)

May 12, 2005 10:46

Ok..Ok...I can do this...(throws himself across the room in an "all or nothing" atempt to get to computer, to which he aparently got to since this is all posted already)...I'm..not really sick in a *cough-cough* kinda sick, I'm sick in a "Hey, it seems I have pink eye, YES! No school!!!". It's not pink-eye though, cuz pink-eye doesn't feel like someone gave you a black eye (((remember in Animal Crossing when you got stung by the bees...yeah))). It looks like I'm retarded or something cuz the area around my left eye is all puffy and it makes it look like one eye is smaller than the other one. Ewww. Everytime I blink it hurts really bad and I blink quite a few times a day. Maybe I won't be able to go to school tomorow. And guess what, I don't have to take Navaro's test today!!! OOO-RAAAIIGH!!!! Sorry Alex/Pauline/Daniella, seems you will all have to fail without me...Oh, and sorry everyone else cuz, seeing as I'm "sick" I wown't be going to school and all, so you all will have to have a sad, insignificant day without my greatness.

It's so hard to be me...
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