I absolutly LOVE kids!

Jun 15, 2006 22:33

"Erin, do you know that if you go to bed with braids in, you'll wake up in the morning with curly hair?" --my cousin Anna. She said this so sincerely. It must have been a huge discovery when her hair ended up curly for the first time. haha

"Erin, I took this out of my mouth and when I did my tooth was crooked. I tried to fix it but now it's loose!" Liam sounded extremely worried. I then had to explain to him that he had a loose tooth and that it would fall out but not to worry because an adult tooth would replace it. Then he said, "Oh, Oh well then. I'm just going to leave it alone." He was still kind of worried but by the time his dad got home he was REALLY excited!
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