New Username!

Jul 11, 2015 22:57

Hey guys, just a heads up! I changed my name here from Wolf_Nymph to Eski tonight. I have been wanting to distance myself from the name "Wolf Nymph" for some time now, so I thought I'd do so here. I've had this journal since I was 14 or 15 years old, which is when I came up with the original name. A decade and a half later, I very much want to leave that name behind.

When I came up with the name "Eskiworks" for my studio name years ago, I didn't know people would start calling me "Eski". It was a surprise, but a pleasant one! I like being called Eski online and at cons now. Since LJ is not a professional place for me, I'm not using the full studio name or my real name. Just Eski! =)
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