So, does it ever happen with anyone else that it feels like, or fates, or Ka, or the whims of the Great Magnet just sit and bide their time until you're at your weakest to make everything that can possibly go wrong...go wrong?
The furnace in the trailer broke last night. Thought it was just the blower, which woulda been okay, 'cause then it woulda just cost $100 and would be relatively simple to install...but the guys from Altrol said the whole thing is in horrible disrepair, and would be to our benefit to replace the whole thing. I knew it was gonna happen, it doesn't take a genius to see the thing had some issues, but I was hoping beyond hope it could hold out 'til December...and the weather here has taken a turn for the worst, it's been at or around -20 all week, which is pretty cold for November, usually don't hit those temps til mid December to January...and if our pipes freeze, well, it'll be a fuck ton more work and money and letting the water trickle is only a temp solution, soon they'll freeze no matter what we do.
Ugh. But y'know, it's okay. Worse comes to worse, and it may end up costing an arm and a leg to replace the furnace...I'm thinking we'll deal with the blower for now and replace the rest of it as soon as the money's there. Applying at PetCo and Value Village right now, possibly ABM (although the thought of taking up another cleaning job makes me wanna gag a little), hopefully have a job somewhere by next week, so I can actually have something to live off 'til I get my security deposit back on the apartment in mid December...kinda been just coasting by, haha. It's amazing what you can make out of nothing when you need it.
And hopefully...that's the end of my living troubles. O Discordia!
Other'n that...plannin' time to meet with Izaki Sensei so I can sign up for classes next semester. I'd really like to take Japanese, the culture class, and the kanji class, but...that's a lot of electives. And I have quite a few core credits to receive...
Murr, I could always reserve some for summer, which was my plan anyway.
Huzzah! It's sure to be a productive week!