to do or not to do

Jun 25, 2014 22:11

Meh. Should I do the 100things_index-challenge? Or try to do it, anyway? I guess I could write about... something to do with travelling? 50 things I've seen/50 things I wanna see? Or maybe something about the North? Maybe combining it - it is, after all, what I'm doing at the moment, tbh. Or maybe something about combining it with art? I've been considering making a Tumblr for Nordic art, and I guess I could use this as some sort of preparation/inspiration. 100 Nordic things: 50 places to visit/50 artists to see? Now, that would be combining most of my favourite things!

Btw, talking about Nordic art: today today I had the pleasure to see a little photo exhibition with some of Ragnar Axelsson’s photos at the library, including his ongoing project ‘Mirror of Life’, which focus on the (dying) traditional life of people in the (sub-)Arctic. He’s been one of my favourite photographers for quite some time now and getting to see his work in big was quite amazing.

His web page is being edited at the moment, but seriously, guys, check out his work at a later day. I posted some photos I took at the exhibition here.

reccing: art, user: lj, project: 100things

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