Nov 29, 2013 15:45
One of the worst thing about going to conferences and seminars and so on about the Arctic is how often the words “peace” and “corporation” come up. It almost sounds like a prayer or a plea or a magic mantra: if we say the words enough times, then maybe it’ll be true, maybe that’s how the future in the Arctic will be, maybe the future of the Arctic will be peace and corporation! Right? Right? Pretty please with sugar on top? Pleeeease?
Why yes, I've just been reading articles about how different Arctic countries either want to improve or already are improving their military in the Arctic. And let's face it: the main reason to why there hasn't been any big, military conflict in the Arctic yet is 'cause it's bloody difficult to wage war there. But just as technological "progress" have made the natural resources in the Arctic easier to reach, it has also "improved" our military and what the military can do - including in the Arctic.
places: arctic