Today I was reminded of the existence of 'This is thin privilege', on of my all-times favourite Social Justice Warrior blogs. TiTP deals with the Very Serious Issue -
despite sometimes claiming not to do so - of thin privilege... Thin privilege, in case you're wondering, is
being seen as drug rape worthy and not being served
"bad tasting food" such as baked salmon and spaghetti squash at an Italian-American restaurant with 5 courses, and according to the moderators,
to not be thought of as 'incapable of physical activity' by a pair of border collies. TiTP is, not wildly surprising,
extremely easy to troll with fake, incredibly stupid submissions* - such as the post in the last link.
The day I got banned from that blog was the worst day in my Tumblr history.
*not that I ever did that, ahem.