help: pixie cuts to girls with glasses?

Jun 10, 2011 22:48

Heya peeps, if you're a member of madradhair, then I've just made a post over there. Basically it's about finding a pixie-cut to ( this face )

help: thoughts/suggestions, stuff: look, help: rec me, stuff: pic spam

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heyhoolou June 10 2011, 22:05:23 UTC
I have no advice, being in the same situation, but thanks for that community link! Good luck with your hair ♥


eska_rina June 11 2011, 15:49:49 UTC
you're welcome :D I find it to be a really inspiring community, plus several of the members have no only experience with having different hair styles and colours, several of them are actual hair dressers. So most know what they are talking about :D

God luck with your hair too (I btw disagree with the others about getting short hair :/ But if you do, don't get a helmet-cut ;) )


heyhoolou June 11 2011, 15:52:58 UTC
It really is! I'm looking through the picture folders etc for inspiration. They're awesome!

...yeah, I don't think I'll go completely short, despite their advice. I just feel weird with short hair. I'll ask my own hairdresser ;)


eska_rina June 11 2011, 16:13:21 UTC
there might come some more suggestions, but generally they are rather fond of suggesting short hair there ;) But what about getting some variation of an A-line? Or is that too close to the cut you have had the last couple of years? A chin-length - which is not short according to me ;) - A-line would get the colour out of your hair :) And considering how hot it is right now in DK... :/


heyhoolou June 11 2011, 16:31:05 UTC
I've been seriously considering the a-cut too. Something along the line of this?

... )


eska_rina June 11 2011, 16:37:32 UTC
yeah, exactly, something like that :) I think it would suit you, it's a hair cut which stands out, yet is not, well, weird, and I can only imagine that it would be awesome to get the hair away from the neck!


heyhoolou June 11 2011, 16:43:12 UTC
My mum reccommended something along these lines as well. I'll check with my hairdresser and get her input first, but I think it could work too :) It still gives the illusion of length in the front, but with the lightness of short hair in the back ♥


eska_rina June 11 2011, 16:47:20 UTC
asking the hair dresser is 99,99999% of the time a good idea. They are professionals after all, and it's totes okay to disagree with them :) But I agree with your mum; that was a good recommendation :)


heyhoolou June 11 2011, 16:54:54 UTC
I've had bad luck with it in the past, but my current hairdresser hasn't failed me yet!
Hahah, I'll let her know ;)

Oh, and for the record, I agree with the person who reccommended you getting a haircut similar to Kiera Knightley's in 'Domino'. I thinkk that's look really good on you.


eska_rina June 11 2011, 17:15:50 UTC
...I have gotten a couple of, well, not exactly bad hair cuts, but hair cuts I didn't want: earlier, when I wanted to have short hair, my hair dresser always gave me an emo-hair cut with a long fringe, which is not my cup of tea

- which is also my problem with the Domino hair cut. I like it - I really like it -, but the fringe needs to be shorter, and I'm not so sure if that would work with the rest of the cut. Mmm. But I'll definitely take a picture of it with me when going to my hair dresser to hear his ideas.


heyhoolou June 11 2011, 17:18:52 UTC
Ah, yes, I can see the issue with that. But I guess it should be possible to have him perhaps come up with a varation of it that might be more to your liking? idk, I'm sure it'll look great! Your face can carry pretty much any cut, imo.


eska_rina June 11 2011, 17:30:50 UTC
C'est la via avec glasses ;) But yeah, I think I'll hear him if it's possible to mix that hair cut with a short fringe ala this length.

But thanks :D


heyhoolou June 11 2011, 17:33:50 UTC
I'll look forward to the pictures of your new cut! ;)


eska_rina June 11 2011, 17:48:31 UTC
haha, I'm looking forward to your too :)

Though my cut will maybe first be in June, unless I loose my temper at my hair before that ;)


heyhoolou June 11 2011, 17:54:45 UTC
Eh, I'll be gone till July anyway, what with the festival and going to London, so ;)


eska_rina June 11 2011, 18:00:04 UTC
...I actually meant July. We're in June now. So I'll most likely get it done in July. Right. Me and dates... not the best combo.

But I'm moving to Norway on August the 1st, so what about talking about hanging out in July when you get back? :)
And have a great trip! :D I'm not at aaaaall jealous :P


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