Dear society,

Feb 15, 2011 17:00

I'm getting seriously fucking tired about how suicide gets simplified. There are far more factors in suicide than 'cowardice' and 'egoism', and saying so dehumanize the people, who have committed it, attempted to do it or even thought about it.
Suicide is around the 10th most common cause of death in the world and shaming suicide and suicide thoughts will only making it harder for those considering it and for those trying to help these people. Shaming suicide does not make a person less likely to commit suicide - shaming it will only create more suicides.

No one commits or consider suicide just because 'they are cowards' or because 'they are egoistic'. People committing suicide has their reasons and they should be respected - no matter how other people would have reacted in their situations (lack of respect for this is what I would call egoism. We are not all the same and we can't all handle the same amount of issues and problems). The majority of people committing suicide suffer from some sort of mental disorder. Another major cause for suicide is addiction/misuse of some sort of substance, and so is socio-economic factors such as poverty (homelessness, unemployment, etc), a lack of a social support system, and discrimination - hell, genetics have been linked as a cause of suicide*. That some suicides seems to come 'out of the blue' does not necessary mean that they actually do come 'out of the blue', and while it can be hard to sometimes understand why someone would commit suicide, does not mean that it is without reasons.

Suicide is about people. People who exist and people who once existed. Suicide is about those who thought about it, who tried it and who committed it, and it's about those left behind. Do please stop dehumanizing these people and do please stop simplified it into 'egoism' and 'cowardice'. It is not helping anybody; quite the opposite. It's hurtful and offensive.

No love,
a person who has both lost someone to suicide and who will live with thoughts about committing one the rest of her life.


(Great, I managed to trigger myself. And no, I don't think I've managed to write what I wanted to express, but oh well. It's better than nothing.)

subject: me, my stuff: thoughts, person: dad's parents, subject: suicide, my stuff: letter, my stuff: rant

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