DF (Danish People Party) = Dumhed og fordom (stupidity and prejudice)?

Oct 27, 2010 12:26

I don't know if I should laugh or cry:

DF: Begrebet menneskesyn findes ikke:
»Begrebet menneskesyn er opfundet til lejligheden for at kritisere Dansk Folkeparti for vores holdning til udlændinge- og indvandrerområdet. Begrebet er lanceret af venstrefløjen og er fuldstændig tomt for mening, så man kan ikke svare på dit spørgsmål«, skriver Kenneth Kristensen Berth, der underskriver sig som cand. mag i historie og sociologi i mailen, og som udtaler sig på vegne af Dansk Folkepartis Pressetjeneste.

According to Kenneth Kristensen Berth, who apparently has a cand. mag in history and sociology and who is a member of Danish People Party, there's no such thing as the notion "view of humanity". Mr. Kenneth Kristensen Berth and Danish People Party apparently disagrees with hundreds - hell, thousands - of years of philosophy and experiences saying that there do exist such a term. Yeah. Head, meet desk.

And now I'm hungry. And I think it should stop raining; I got some shopping to do later today!

reccing: culture, theme: df = dumhed og fordom, country: denmark

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