I'm a bit amazed at how little I care about this, but whatever, here is my policy -

Sep 02, 2010 02:47

So, I decide to take a quick look at my LJ flist (yeah, yeah, I'll soon be more active, PROMISE) and what do I see? All my entire flist is talking about is this sharing-thingy. Some like it, some dislike it, and some hates it with a *~passion~*. Personally I'm a bit "meh" about it. I suppose you can say I have it a bit like ani_bester:
LJ is a social networking site. It has been from day one. Any idea of total privacy are illusions! I'd have thought we'd have worked that out the first time something F'locked got re-posted.

As I wrote on Ani's post: a secret shared is no longer a secret. I am a cynical person, but we all knows it's true, don't we?

I am going to respect everyone's wished regarding flocked posts, don't worry about that. I have already opted-out (it's not like my comments or posts are so freaking intelligent anyway, that I feel like sharing them with everyone and everybody - quite the opposite). If you have stated in your journal that you do not want people to share their comments on your flocked posts, then I have even written it down in my notes about you.
I am not going to care about your wishes regarding my comments on your public posts, unless we have shared friends on Facebook and Twitter who does not know about your LJ (i.e. which is... no one. Recommendation: lock your journal in that case. Seriously, it's not that hard to find people on the Internet, even if they don't connect their RL name with their LJ name). I have, as mentioned before, opted out, so at the moment I cannot share, but if I suddenly find out that my posts or comments on public posts are super amazing or some shit like that and I want to share them anyway, then yeah, I'll turn it on, and, well, public posts are public posts and my comments are my comments. I already sometimes link to other people's public posts without asking, in case you haven't noticed. To those who have no idea about what the whole 'sharing comments on locked post'-part is about, here is a post about it.
I do hope that it will be possible to opt-out for journal owners that comments on locked posts can be shared. Or that this sharing of comments won't link to the public post, anyway. But I do find it nice that you can so easily share your posts on Facebook and Twitter (though, really, is it so hard to link to them?) now.

If you want to share one of your comments on one of my locked posts, then feel free. I'm really not that bothered by it. Nothing I post on LJ is *~super secret~* (see earlier), and while I appreciate that you don't repost anything of my things - public or locked -, linking to anything I've written is A-okay. If I see you repost anything of MINE - quoting public posts or comments with a link is fine - I will defriend you, though. This got nothing to do with keeping secrets or something like that - I just plain simple like to keep track on "my words/thoughts" and responses to said "words/thoughts", if you know what I mean.
My Facebook is connected with my LJ, but not the other way around. It should be noted that my Facebook is set to the highest security possible. I don't remember there being any connection between my Twitter and my LJ, nor between my Facebook and my Twitter.

But to those able-bodied people who whine about how easy it is to share something? Please shut up and look where you click before you click, for fuck's sake. Personal responsibility, guys, it can't be that difficult (says the girl who clicks the wrong things all the time. Oh well).
Here is a greesemonkey script for those of us with Firefox. It will make the share-button go away. It will not remove other people ability to share their comments on your locked posts.
add 2nd Sep 13.24: I've found this little gem. I've heard it will remove the share-link on your post, but I don't know it for sure as I will not use it:
To get rid of the twitter/facebook repost links in your journal entry comments do the following:

1. Go to your "Journal" menu, and select "Journal Style"
2. To the right, you'll see what theme you're using, with a link stating "Customize Your Theme". Click that link.
3. Scroll down a little ways, and you'll see that on the left side of your screen, you have multiple options to modify your theme. Click on the "Custom CSS" link, and it should load the options for doing Custom CSS.
4. From here, all you have to do is go to the "Custom Stylesheet", and put in this line:
.b-repost-item {display:none}

(Note that it's curly braces around the display:none, and not parentheses.)
5. Then click save and it should be done.

If anyone uses this and it either works or don't work, please tell me.

PS: I'm amazed at how few of your talk about how you feel about sharing your own comments. 3/4 of you ONLY talk about what will happen to the people who share their comments on your locked posts - and in a very hard way, like the first thing people would want to when seeing this is running around and sharing their comments on your flocked posts. It's just an observation, really, but I am curious: how can you expect to be trusted by your flist when you don't even trust your flist? Mm, yeah, I don't know guys. Trust goes both ways, and this is really what it's about.
And if you don't trust your flist to keep your secrets and respect your privacy than a) don't post your secrets, and b ) don't have them on your flist. LJ is only offering a service - it's up to us, the users, to use and to abuse it.

...so how many is going to defriend me over this? Mmm, my life is so exciting -_-

lj: rules, user: lj, my stuff: thoughts, subject: friends, subject: privacy, person: flist

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