
Nov 09, 2009 17:05

1. Am back home. Have slept a bit, but not enough considering I haven't gotten much sleep the last two nights, but gotta work on my petitum soon - it gotta be done tomorrow, and I haven't even started yet :( Looks like I have to find 50 pages of sources (I'm thinking about adding some art on this list, which will make it a bit easier, though I'm iffy about how much I can get away with) and 700 pages background info. Urg. Much rather write a LJ post.

2. Women’s soccer costumes not racist, WVU says
Three West Virginia women’s soccer players blacked their faces for a Halloween event last week.

Photos surfaced earlier this week on Facebook showing three players in black makeup with padding on their buttocks.

Jennifer McIntosh, executive officer for the President’s Office for Social Justice at West Virginia University, confirmed the incident occurred at a "fun, team event" for Halloween.

"They were not in blackface. I mean, as we consider blackface," McIntosh said.

'Cause McIntosh totes define what counts as black face - and what doesn't! No, srsly, if they weren't doing blackface, then what the hell were they then doing?
(Also, the "I know *a person belonging to said group*, and he/she wasn't offended, therefor it
s okay!"-excuse is sooo old.)

3. I've been told of a new ad from Danish People Party - due to the new election in a week or so -, where they say something ala: "The indians didn't stop the immigration... Today they live in reservations!" I've been trying to find it on YouTube, so I can loose my temper at them again, yet I haven't been able to find it. Instead I've found this, which probably can explain to some of the non-Danish people on my flist why I hate DPP SO FUCKING MUCH. Ignore the whole Obama-stuff (like he will totes see this... or something), and focus on the lovely, lovely quotes:

image Click to view

Add then the facts that the majority of my lovely, lovely coworkers are immigrations with a Middle Eastern background and that I study Religions at uni and find the dynamic majority vs minority, retoric, and priviledge interesting.
To the people, who understand Danish, here is De Sorte Spejdere on DPP's meeting 2007. It never stops being hilarious and warms my heart ♥

4. 11 Gorgeously Ironic Misspellings In Protest Signs

5. Oh totes forgot: I've brought all my Chrismas presents already except my dad's and my granmum's (which my mum normally buy for Robbie and I to give together). ...and only one thing is brought in DK (and can't be exchanged ANYWAY), so they better like it, yeah.

6. Do Catholic Bishops Run the United States Government?
Tonight, with the aid of some 60 Democrats, women's rights were effectively negated by the US Congress as the House passed the Stupak amendment to HR 3962, the Affordable Health Care Act of 2009.

More in-depth analysis of how we got here is forthcoming. But one thing is clear: The US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) apparently is running the US government, aided by a cadre of "faith-based advocacy groups," the House Democratic leadership, the White House and members of the Senate.

If you didn't know that before, be clear about it. Know it now.

Worth reading, guys, really worth reading. Apparently the US's health care bill doesn't include abortion (nor provision for birth control, but I dunno about any Universeal Health Care that does that... Our doesn't, but they are pretty damn cheap already)

7. Stephen Fry's letter to himself: Dearest absurd child
Just who was the young, arrogant and confused man to whom Stephen Fry recently felt compelled to write a long and heartfelt letter? Himself, 35 years ago

8. And now I should probably make a cup of tea and start working on my petitum.

9. Oh, btw, had a good time in London, but will probably not travel in the next couple of months, I think. Possibly to April or some time like that. Mm, idk. Traveling is ♥

subject: the us, life: uni, subject: denmark, life: travel, reccing: culture, period: december holidays, subject: abortion, theme: df = dumhed og fordom, subject: health care, subject: sexuality

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