Interesting question asked at

Sep 04, 2009 13:13

Do you think that T should be classed with LG&B? @
Lesbian, gay and bisexual are all sexualities whilst transgenderism is not. Do you think that its particularly stupid that transpeople get classed with sexualities, or do you think that they should stay apart of the grouping to help with community acceptance?

At Tumblr, the few posts, that you can answer, you can't really write alot, so I first answered, very shortly:
Difficult question. I think it’s stupid that it’s classified with it, yes, but if we remove it, I fear transexuality might get ignored- again

And then I reblogged the question with the following:

My answer: Difficult question. I think it’s stupid that it’s classified with it, yes, but if we remove it, I fear transexuality might get ignored- again.

That being said, I feel that transexuality is already being ignored in the lgbt-community. I’m not transexual myself, but as a genderneutral person and as a non-monosexual person, I have seen how the lgbt community is heavily focused on, well, a binary gendersystem, which I think is hurtful for for the understanding of the different genders and sexes - as both biological and psychological it looks like a binary gender/sex-system is incorrect or, anyway, not as simple as we like it to be. And while transexual people do move in a binary gender/sexsystem them selves, I feel that this… incorrect understanding of gender/sex in the end will hurt transexual (and everyone else, even cisgendered people, as well… what we identify with and what our sexual organs are might fit, but the cromosones and hormonal balance and… oh man, gender and sex… it’s a mess).

What do you guys think? I’m only a novice in learning about genders.

I'm curious if anyone have any ideas/comments?

I've been reading so much about gender lately, especially due to Tumblr, that I'm not sure what sexuality to identify anymore :( Identifying as bi is so goddamn easy, but, alas, it implies a belief in a binary gender/sexsystem, that I can't stand by anymore. It actually makes me surpringly sad. I move in mainly heterosexual circles, and while it wouldn't surprise me if some of them are interested in sexuality and stuff like that, most of them doesn't know what pan- or polysexual is, so it has just been so freaking easy to say that I'm bisexual... so easy that, yeah, it has become an important part of me as it is something I have to come out with more or less every time I get a new friend, as, well, as mentioned, I do mainly move in heterosexual circles - most of my friends know only one non-heterosexual person and that's me. Of course, noone is really surprised about it when they think about it, but it's still common for new friends to think that I'm hetero. So yeah, I kind of feel like that I no longet can identify as something that used to be something that defined me and made me different from the people I know. Sigh. gfdjhjas.

Oh my woes, my life is so hard (that sarcasm, guys, in case anyone wondering).

...and now I made something that isn't about me into being about me. I'm a bad ally, sorry guys, I just needed to get it out :(

X-posted to Tumblr


What I answered to someone asking at Facebook if I just couldn’t identify as human if someone ask. Nothing really new, but just… before anyone has the same idea here:

well, the thing is, noone asks - I mainly move in heterosexual circles, so most people just seem to assume that I’m straight… which makes me feel like I’m lying if I don’t come out to them. I feel like I’m laying when people think I’m something that I’m not, and I know this, and I don’t say anything about it.
And identifying as bi was so goddamn easy as, hey, most people know what that is. But poly? Pan? You either have to be involved in lgbt or interested in queer-stuff to have heard those two terms. Annoying :(
But what is easiest is not, to me, an excuse to be incorrect about something. Plus I think the belief in a binary gendersystem is directly hurtful for transexual and genderbenders - and, hell, cisgendered too.
…and this is not really relevant to your idea at all. Oops. I just kind of need to talk about it atm -_- Sorry.

Anyone got anything to say? Any thoughts? Any comments?

subject: about me, my stuff: thoughts, reccing: culture, help: questions, subject: sexuality, subject: gender

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