dear internet do u cyber?

Dec 16, 2012 14:26

Not only did I sleep wayyyy too much in the past 26 hours, but it was all messed up. 11-something am til 11-something pm, then back to sleep at 5:20 am til a little bit after 12 noon. I woke up feeling very very blue :(   I really miss lelaine_barclay and now I wish I had tried to persuade her to change her flight to leave from here to go back to Europe. But that probably would have cost her loads. Bah.

I finally had the chance to read a bit about the Sandy Hook shooting, which did nothing to improve upon my mood. What the fucking fuck! Then the comments from idiotic gun freaks just made me madder and madder, until I had to just stop reading. I was getting a rage headache.

Then I checked the Twitters and Instagrams of @KyleFrancisFalc and @kierenwebster, and now I am in a MUUUUCH better place, emotionally. I don't mean to trivialize the shooting or anything. I just needed desperately to be cheered up and to forget about poor little wee ones getting fucking massacred for no goddamn reason at all and this did the trick. Easily distracted, that's me all over.

Kyle at the barber! Kieren with a wee hat wi earsies! Babyshambles vinyl and Jack Kerouac and a loooooveleh jackolantern! All things that please my eyeballls. And don't even get me started on 1. their comments to each other 2. the fact that, you know, we normals can comment at them, too. Oh internet, I love you so. I would make love to the internet if I could, except that means vicariously making fuck with all the unsavory neackbeards and trolls and such so no, I would only make sweet sweet sexy love to the parts I like (such as the above Twitter/Instagram accounts). And right when I was in the middle of boycotting Instagram, too. Oh well. One must pick his or her battles, as they say.

I'm still trying to wake up. Yikes, once you get old, staying up for (nearly) 24 hours seriously fucks with you. I used to do that on the reg, with or without the help of assorted libations/substances. Now? It means prepare to lose a day to recover. Eeeeesh.

sandy hook, kail, instagram, kieren, the view

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