If My Dreams Came True...

Sep 11, 2011 00:45

I had no idea what to say once at this trending topic that said "If My DReams Came True". I was at a loss of words beacsue for the first time in my life I didn't have an answer. There was no cordial way of answering that. So all I said was that, "I don't know what would happen afterwards." It sadly true. I have no idea what happens after I get the one thing in my life that I have ever wanted.
All of the sudden I was ridden with questions such as: If I get the one thing that I have ever wanted, will I be happy? Will I want something more? Will I be miserable? Will something be missing? All of these idears were running mind with red! Because as human-beings it is an endless circle to always want more than what we have, despite if we are rich, in love, poor or lonely. It just goes endlessly. How do we know when everything that we have is finally enough?

I do know that if I somehow achieve my dream and actually live it that it will probably be the most eurphoric moment of my life, like a huge stepping stone to something that is so much bigger than me that helps me understand this world a little more. I always feel like I am apart of something so much bigger than myself that it eats me up inside because I try to find all of the answers because I just... I have to know for myself and everyone else.

They say, "That its not about the journey to your dream, but the story that is the dream." I personally never understood it because without the story that leads up to the dream than dream is just an illusion that that person prides themselve on because they forgot what it was like to work to get there.

I hope I can find the answers and seek out the most special and beautiful things of this world because people should hear about those too. I want to know that if I finally get what I have worked so hard for and coveted for so long that there is still so much to the dream than actually getting it as if it were a prize or an award because life should never feel like that. It should feel liberating, heartbreaking, tragic, dramatic, comedic, addictive, hard, but most of all true. All that I ever will ask is that if I get the one thing that I have ever wanted, please let me live a great dramatic life because I wouldn't have it any other way.
What people fail to understand is that life is big and scary, but most of all an enigma. You see we all have our own stories our own tv shows and movies the difference is that we live them not as dramatically, but as true as possible even when we are given deception. You see life is a movie because once its over, our life is a series of displaced images that are held together by a lingering metaphor.

dreams, enigmas., life

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