Aug 09, 2006 14:09
Lets see If you have the BALLS to answer truthfully!
1. Ever been to a male strip club? nope
2. Ever been to a female strip club? yea, ashley and I went with scott for his birthday.
3. Ever been to a bar? yep.
4. Ever been kicked out of a bar or a club? nope
5. Ever been so drunk you had to be carried out of somewhere? I needed help walking home a few times because i fell down alot, and I got really sick but that was at my house.
6. Ever been so drunk you blacked out? once.
7. Kissed someone of the same sex (no relatives)? All the time, well not as much since ashley aren't living together. I miss you
8. Thrown up from drinking too much? It's happened before.
9. Had sex with more than one person in a 24 hour period? yep, a few times
10. Had sex in a car? everything but sex in a car.
11. Had sex in a park? not that I can remember
12. Had sex in a movie theater? nope
13. Had sex in a bathroom? kind of, handicap stalls do rock.
14. Had sex in a school? nope
15. Had sex in or on a firetruck? nope
15. Have you ever been in an "adult" store? I'm a frequent
16. Have you ever purchased items from adult store? Many times.
17. Have you spent over $100.00 in one visit to the adult store? I don't think so.
18. Is there someone you wished you never had sex with? Yea, but it happens in college.
19. Is there someone you wished you would have had sex with? I'm sure there are a few people.
20 Ever given oral sex or received? both of the above
21. Have you ever had a threesome? yea, a few
22.(GIRLS) Are your breasts real? very much so.
23. have you ever used Viagra (or anything like that)? not at all
24. Would you rather give or receive oral sex? I love both.
25. Have you ever had a one night stand? yea, several.
26. Were you 100% HONEST? of course i was.