Jun 07, 2006 16:08
ok sometimes it really sucks to be a woman.
I know this is a taboo subject, but I'm one of the leg up on the toilet kind of tampon girls. I'm sure most of you got that one. so I got new dress shoes for the wedding I'm going to this weekend, and they happen to be stelletos (sp?) right. so have you ever tried putting a tampon in while wearing stilletos?!?!?!?!?! It fucking sucks! I so almost fell on my ass.
other reasons why being a woman sucks. this rediciouls standard of beauty that we are supposed to maintain. so I got my eyebrow waxed today... yea yea, augh it up, i like to have niely shaped eyebrows, i think i look better that way... but since I haven't had the time nor effort to get them done in a while, fuck it hurt!
so yea, thats by bitch list for right now. I'll see what else happens.