I live!!!

Mar 23, 2016 09:29

Small children go to kindergarten and bring back the plague. Advice on ramping up my immune system is greatly appreciated. I am going to see my mom on Friday and get her recipe for elderberry tea.

I will also be seeing my sister and my adorable niece who have traveled down from Nova Scotia. I am extremely excited, as I typically see them once a year. I have birthday presents for cutie, which I hope she will like.

I am going to try and get more photos of things I have made online, at Ravelry and other places. Doll and toy photos will go on a blog I have for that. I am planning on getting a few doll photos today. I am not sure anyone but ashbet cares, but I will link to them.

I am working at loosing weight that I gained from my extremely sedentary job and tendency to damn the consequences and eat dessert. Thanks to watching what I eat and counting calories I am down about 13 pounds since January. The plan is to get back down to a healthy weight and then do some serious work on my wardrobe.

My hair was purple for a while last spring, and I want to get back to that. Another weight loss reward! I cut it the shortest it has been since I was 10 last summer, about bra strap length. I don't like it and am growing it back out, aiming for waist length and gelling out my hair stick collection again.

The Angel is on 250 units of sythroid for his thyroid, and has more energy. He has a host of other health issues, and is seeing a neurologist soon and will hopefully get more help with his headaches.

So life goes on and I will try and journal it better!

Posted via m.livejournal.com.

angel, me, health

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