Thyroid update, and THANK YOU

Dec 03, 2015 09:58

Thank you once again to everyone who replied to my earlier post with info and advice ( Read more... )

angel, health

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ashbet December 3 2015, 16:03:04 UTC
Oh, EXCELLENT!! There's often a month-plus wait to see an endocrinologist, so that was a real stroke of luck :)

So glad that he's getting better treatment now, and I hope it makes a significant positive difference!!

*hugs to you both*

-- A <3


eseme December 3 2015, 16:13:22 UTC
Timing! It was amazing. The doctor primarily works out of a town 30 miles away, but is in the neighboring town about two days a month. Yesterday was one of them, and there was a slot open!

Though between this and other medical appointments, the poor Angel now has had or will have 5 medical appointments in a 4 day span (ending Friday). When one is already exhausted, this is not good. However, productive.

*HUGS* Hope you are all right - you've been quiet lately and I've been worried one of your horrific headaches is making your life miserable, or your rib is worse.


ashbet December 3 2015, 16:18:48 UTC
"5 medical appointments in a 4 day span" -- oh, man, I know those feels :/

Really hope this is the difficult-but-necessary first step to making some serious progress, though <3

*hugsback* Thank you, sweetie <3

I'm . . . kind of up and down emotionally, there's been relationship stuff going on, which could also be described as difficult-but-necessary, I guess. We're moving in a better direction, but it's exhausting and takes up all my spoons.

My right-side rib did eventually pop back in (the "usual" lower-left one made a break for it yesterday, but I managed to get it to stay in), although my back is still kind of a mess as a result. It will be okay, though.

I should maybe go to the chiro today, since the weekend is coming up and she closes at 1:30 every day, but . . . honestly can't muster the energy. Josh is out of town for five days, as of this morning, and . . . yeah.


-- A <3


eseme December 3 2015, 20:58:39 UTC
*squishy hugs*

You really do have a lot going on. Take care of yourself, get rest, and creative time and time with the kitties. LJ will be around when you have the spoons.


ashbet December 3 2015, 21:28:38 UTC
I'd love to do something creative -- if you look at my Flickr, I think I last posted doll pics in... August or September, I think?

I have a handmade wig in progress and shoots I want to do, but there are things I *must* do first, that I'm procrastinating about (mailing packages, which is one of my least favorite things), and I'm trying to motivate myself to get it done by holding off permission to do more-fun stuff until it's done.

(That works about as well as you can imagine, but... depression.)

*hugs & love*

-- A (sorry, not meaning to derail your comments!) <3


eseme December 4 2015, 15:49:36 UTC
You are not derailing! I enjoy the odd ramble and discussions in comments. Your dolls are lovely, and I will enjoy pics whenever you post them. Even the Angel, who finds dolls creepy, says they look nice. Mine are still not on display though.

I have done similar things - no working on fun stuff till the chores are done. It seems the chores never end at times though.

Many hugs, and do enjoy having a lovely visitor!


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