Jun 21, 2010 12:56

Oh yeah, so I've just recently gone back to using this site which let's you use Google maps to plot out your route if you're out exercising and keep track of distance, approximate calories, etc. (I think it even accounts for elevation data(!)).

I'd found it a couple years ago, but it was really too clunky to use, however it seems they've streamlined the site considerably, and it's much more friendly.

Here's my profile :D

You can see where I just started using the site again a few days ago. Also, my mileage was going down as I was increasingly concerned with my tire falling apart on me :P

Anyway, now that I've swapped on the new tread, I should see those numbers back up to normal :)

Today's numbers are just from riding in to the Library here. Still have to add in whatever I do to get home :P

I'm like a level 2 cartography geek, at most - so low level, but this kinda thing is fun to me :)
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