INTERNET ALERT: The Fargo Contingency

Oct 18, 2009 19:39

So while getting dressed to Go To Taco Bell Because Damn It, It's Snowing
there occurred this moment of lucidity whereby Chris realized that Volcano
Tacos Just Might Not Be The Move To Make.

And then I remembered that I had already planned on making a casserole tonight


Wa-hoo! So instead I summoned forth my inner Minnesotan and made a humdinger of
a vegetarian casserole, don'cha know.

For a dish without garlic or cayenne, it's pretty frickin' awesome.

Egg Noodles
Cream of Mushroom Soup
Diced Red Bell Pepper
Green Peas
Black Pepper
Celery Salt
Some Dill and Sage

I didn't have any breadcrumbs but I dusted the top with loose parmesan cheese to the same effect.

Yes, I actually took Home Economics in elementary school
(although we learned Green Bean Casserole with Crush Corn Flake Topping)

win, food

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