meow means meow

Dec 28, 2008 03:10

Mae Bell and I have this understanding whereby she will let me
know - in no uncertain terms - when and how she wants affection
from me, otherwise, we are each content to respectfully leave the
other alone aside from my tending to her basic necessities (including
making the toy thingies jump and twitch for her amusement, and
invoking the wily and elusive Red Dot). It's a very simple, sensible
arrangement between mature, consenting adults.

Breach of contract is met with retribution that is both swift and just.
Though it may be unpleasant, this correction is not unkind. My cat
is a harsh but fair mistress, and I love her most dearly.

Right now she is in my lap purring away vigorously. We both had a
wonderful evening; God's in His Heaven, and all's right with the world.

mae bell, cat, win, girls

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