featuring Miah and Gerick.
She's strumming a simple cover of the
the classic by Otis Redding.
I'm also thinking that more than any of them, since Miah is the one with certain identity issues, she is also the one most likely to wear/attach to group logos, buttons, stickers, slogans, and other visual indicators of self. I know I went through that phase, and I think most adolescents (of any age) tend to before figuring out who they are - after that it's not so important to wear yourself on your sleeve.
I'm starting to think more about the setting. While the city of Bremen itself is someplace impossibly glamorous and unrealized like The Emerald City of Oz, or the aura around Hollywood/NYC in the late 70's, most of the road trip setting will be strip mall suburbia hell, or some kind of run down post-industrial urban blight mill towns.