Jan 10, 2004 02:04
so little shit... so much time.
i have less than 5 weeks to do 70 hours of community service...
thats the one thing i dont have time to jerk off around.
i dont really feel like typing so this is just a "hold you over" post...
in coming up posts i will touch on topics such as:
*my brother's girlfriend who has the mental capacity of a 7 year-old pony-lover with ADHD and sever insecurity issues.
*my current job, which i loathe, and my plans on altering the situation.
*my love, my love, my love! whom i remain excited about and am continuously fascinated by.
*Band Progression of unlimited proportions.
*Masturbation Techniques from thee Pro-fessional.
Night Night! Keep your butthole tight!